
Isabelle IMBERT

Isabelle IMBERT

Isabelle Imbert is professor at Aix Marseille University and specialized, for the past twenty years, on deciphering the molecular replication mechanisms of emerging RNA viruses. She earned her engineer’s degree in Biotechnology and Microbiology at Aix Marseille University. As internship in Transgene company (Strasbourg), she worked on Adenovirus as vector for gene therapy. Then, she completed her PhD at the Institute of Virology – INSERM unit in Strasbourg. She studied the replication of Hepatitis C Virus, using principally cellular approaches. After her PhD, she joined the AFMB lab in 2003, first as a post-doctoral fellow and then she was recruited as assistant professor in 2008, with teaching activities at Polytech. Her arrival coincided with the emergence of the SARS-CoV and therefore had the opportunity to develop a project on this new and fascinating virus.

India L’HOTE 

Isabelle IMBERT

je suis… et … je suis… et …je suis… et …je suis… et … je suis… et …je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et …je suis… et …je suis… et … je suis… et …je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et … je suis… et ………


Isabelle IMBERT

Marion is an engineer in Protein Sciences in the Host Pathogen Interaction team at AFMB. She worked as a Purification Scientist for 3 and a half years in Pfizer in Dublin, Ireland. She was responsible for the transfer of processes from bench to pilot and then manufacturing scales. She joined the team to work on the replication complex of the Srars-Cov2. Her job consists of producing and purifying the different proteins involved in the replication of the virus and studying their interaction.


Isabelle IMBERT

Emeline Grellet is a PhD student in the Host Pathogen Interaction team at AFMB lab. She obtained a Master’s degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology toward Health Biology and Drug Sciences at the University of Poitiers. During her bachelor’s internship, she discovered and particularly liked the infectious and tropical diseases field. Thus, she joined the virology laboratory of the Pasteur Institute of French Guyana for her Bachelor’s internship. She studied the genetic diversity of dengue viruses during the 2013 epidemic in French Guyana. Then, she integrated the virology unit of the Pasteur Institute of Madagascar for her two Master’s internships. She worked on the implementation of environmental enteric virus detection assay in order to diagnose these viruses from environmental and human samples checkout https://canceltimesharegeek.com/how-to-cancel-welk-timeshare/. Then, she identified, characterized and studied also non-polio enterovirus strains isolated during the environmental surveillance of poliovirus circulation in Madagascar from 2016 to 2017. After her Master’s internships, she joined the AFMB lab in 2019 to begin her PhD on the characterization of the hepatitis E virus replicative machinery and to continue her passion for virology. In parallel, she had the opportunity to work on Pull the Covid-19 replicative catalytic core apart project.

Claudia FRYDMAN 

Isabelle IMBERT

Claudia Frydman is a full professor in Computer Science at Aix-Marseille Université and the deputy head of Research in the Politech Engineering School of Aix-Marseille Université. Her research interests include modeling, analysis, assessment, control and diagnosis of dynamic and event-driven systems, with a particular focus on the modeling and simulation using discrete event formalisms, e.g. DEVS (Discrete Event Specifications) and its hybrid extensions. Her modeling and simulation work covered several domains, including: adaptive storytelling in virtual games, improving business process in manufacturing, information retrieval and expert systems, software verification, control of manufacturing processes in industries, lift control systems, and human and military behavior.



Ali Ayadi is a post-doctoral researcher at the LIS laboratory at Aix-Marseille Université. As part of the PullCoVapart project, his research focuses on the translation of ontological modeling into DEVS formalism for the modeling and simulation of the SARS-COV-2 replicative cycle. Last year, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the European center for research and teaching in environmental geoscience in Aix-En-Provence. He worked on the use of knowledge engineering for human and environmental exposure assessment of engineered nanomaterials. As a PhD student at ICube laboratory at the University of Strasbourg, he focused on the use of semantic technologies and combinatorial optimization to simulate state changes in biological networks.


Cecilia Zanni-Merk

Cecilia Zanni-Merk is a professor in Computer Science at INSA Rouen Normandie and the head of the MIND team at the LITIS laboratory. She is also the deputy head of the MISS doctoral school (ED 590) for the Rouen site.Her main research interests are in Knowledge Engineering, logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning, and semantic web, with a particular focus on conceptual representation and inference processes applied to problem-solving. Her works cover several domains such as industry 4.0, remote sensing and image interpretation, optimization of complex biomolecular networks, and tactile perception.


Isabelle IMBERT

Wissame Laddada is a post-doctoral researcher in computer science at INSA Rouen Normandie (LITIS laboratory) in collaboration with the LIS laboratory at Aix-Marseille Université. As part of the PullCoVapart project, her research focuses on the ontological modeling of the SARS-CoV-2 replicative cycle. For the past two years, she worked on the knowledge representation of environments for neighborhood recommendation and spatiotemporal events modeling for maritime trajectory analyzing. As a Ph.D. student at IRENav (Ecole Navale), she exploited semantic web technologies to generate coastal maritime trajectories.



Lina F. Soualmia is Associate Professor in Computer Science at Université de Rouen Normandie, member of the TIBS team at the LITIS Laboratory, and associate member of the Inserm U1142 LIMICS. She is the head of the Master of Computer Science of the Université de Rouen Normandie. She is working since 20 years in the domain of Artificial Intelligence applied to Health. Her main research interests are in Knowledge Engineering, and more particularly in conceptual representation and inference processes applied to decision support systems, combined with text-mining techniques on electronic health records and biomedical scientific literature. She is member of the VP Board of IMIA and member of the Inserm specialized scientific commission “Health technologies – Public health”.